BIM Implementation is an important process for project success.
The construction productivity
Around the world, ever-larger capital projects are being undertaken. Better project management and technological innovation can improve the chances of success.
Three factors are defining the future of large-scale capital projects. First, investment is growing fast. In 2013, global investment in energy, infrastructure, mining, and real-estate-related projects was about $6 trillion; by 2030, that, could be $13 […]
Leveraging BIM In Facility Management
Many owners are leveraging building information modeling (BIM) for design and construction. However, most aren’t benefitting from the rich data in the model when it comes to facilities management. Using BIM within a facilities management system allows users to reduce maintenance costs, save on future construction with an accurate model, and link existing systems to […]
The route to BIM in 10 steps
The race is on. By 2016, all centrally procured government construction UK projects, no matter their size, must be delivered using Building Information Modelling, or BIM. This will extend right through the supply chain, from the largest contractor to the smallest supplier, and it is hoped, will lead to the industry-wide adoption of BIM as […]
How BIM Saved $10 Million
Mo money, mo problems.
Budgets exceeds projections. The eastern span of the San Francisco Bay Bridge notoriously cost $5 billion more than projected and a new transit hub near the World Trade Center in New York is similarly billions over budget. Those are just two high-profile scenarios.
Sources of cost overruns vary from project to project. In the case of recently completed […]
BIM for Safety in Construction
BIM-based design improves considerably the safety of a building over its life cycle – from the construction phase to the maintenance of the occupied building. When standards and regulations are defined by programs, inspection and design may in the future be automatic at all phases of work, says Research Scientist Kristiina Sulankivi at VTT Technical Research Centre.
BIM has generally […]
Jump into BIM model – Virtual Reality for Construction
PrioVR – A device capable of capturing human motion, enabling Virtual Reality environment and capturing physical movements. One can see future in AEC market. Simply attach sensors to your body and send human movements to PrioVR.
BIM for Construction Video
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a very broad term that describes the process of creating a digital model of a building. “BIM” is becoming a better-known established collaboration process for the construction industry. Building owners are increasingly requiring BIM services from construction managers, architects and engineering firms. Many construction firms are now investing in “BIM” […]